Autumn magnificence
Colourful. Impressive. And more.
Nature gives its all again in autumn. She has donned her most colourful dress. A magnificent setting for a tour of discovery. Filled with unforeseen adventures. And fun for all. Children, grown-ups, young and old. Alone or together. Some prefer to enjoy this sensational season in a quiet place. That, too, is easily possible. In Garmisch-Partenkirchen, it’s yours to choose.
Active & sporty
Mountain biking
Into the saddle. Ready, steady, go! Wonderful titbits await passionate alpine cyclists here. But beware: The trails here exact a good portion of strength and endurance. Not to mention technical skills. Some tours are real hard core. If you prefer a leisurely ride instead, that is also available. Routes by the dozen right at your doorstep. You see, Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a place of diversity.
The Included Extra for our guests
To top it off: we will also lend you a Staudacherhof Rucksack to pack your snack, jacket, whatever you wish to take along on your ride. Complete with delivery to your room!
Hiking Highlights
Perfect conditions. For a hiking highlight … or two … or three … or more! Like the hike up to the mountain palace, Königshaus am Schachen. On a royal trail. Leading to King Ludwig II’s summer residence. Out of this world. Stunning! The hike itself and the destination. Or the walk through hell’s gorge, the Höllentalklamm. A natural wonder like no other. Deep gorges. Tumbling waterfalls and roaring water. Bizarre rock formations, towering cliffs. A spectacles of nature to remember.
Nature & enjoyment
The Zugspitze
The highest mountain in Germany. At your fingertips. So why not go and see the summit once? Ride up in the cogwheel train, glide up in the cable car or choose to climb up on your own two feet. To 2962 m (3281 ft.) above sea level. Breathe in glacial air. Experience eternal ice live. A memorable experience that can be had by all. Complete with stunning views. Down 2000 m (6562 ft.) into the depths. Of more than 300 summits in 4 different countries in the distance. From the rooftop of Germany. Where else to find a panoramic view of this magnitude so easily accessible?
The Included Extra for our guests
Be lucky for once! Buy your ticket at the hotel reception desk. And ride to the top without queueing.
A natural monument. One of the most beautiful in Bavaria. A definite must-see! Adorned differently in every season. Every time of day. And in every weather. A fascinating surprise around every corner. In a bizarre landscape of water and rocks. Formed over the ages. By the ever-green waters of the Partnach stream. Roaring water between narrow, tall cliffs. Nature at its most magnificent.
Families & children
AlpspiX skywalk
The sky above you. Hell’s Valley below. In between: The AlpspiX. A spectacular viewing platform. Two plank walkways, 25 m (82 ft.) each. Jutting out over an abyss. The ultimate courage test. Up on the Alpspitze mountain. Just a short walk from the upper cable car station. An impressive adventure: The view down into the depths. To the Zugspitze and Waxenstein twin peaks. But also into the far distance. So be brave – this is an experience you won’t want to miss!
Great Olympic Ski Jump
Rising majestically out of the valley. The Great Ski Jump of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. One of the most modern ski jumps in the world. A must-see for every visitor. 333 steps to the very top. To the jump tower. Where only elite ski jumpers are otherwise allowed up. A privilege one must earn first. Unless you go on one of the guided tours! And learn all about this historic facility. And its champions. Complete with the impressive view from the top…
Culture & Tradition
Kirchweih church festival
One thing Bavarians are especially good at: celebrating. There’s always an occasion for a celebration! So why not join in? At the Kirchweih church festival, for example. Order a traditional dish of Kirchweih goose. In one of the charming restaurants. Or in a cosy Alm in one of the alpine pastures after a refreshing walk. Go to one of the local bakeries and try a “Kirchweihküchle”, a delicious deep-fried pastry. All for the consecration of the church. Visitors who are not devout Catholics are sure to also enjoy all the festivities.
The Included Extra for our guests
Celebrate Kirchweih with us at Staudacherhof! And enjoy a 6-course meal with all the trimmings. Including traditional goose. And exquisite “Kirchweihküchle” (which are also called “Ausgezogene”, literally “nude pastry”!).
Historic Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Immerse yourself in long forgotten eras. While taking a walk through the historic old towns. Of Garmisch. And Partenkirchen. Both definite must-sees! Let your eyes wander. Marvel. At these truly unique houses. Many are decorated with intricate mural paintings Telling us stories. In amazing pictures. Get lost in art and history.
Your autumn. In Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Let yourself be inspired. Enjoy the summer in Garmisch-Partenkirchen à la Staudacherhof.
Pleasure. Recreation. Enjoyment. And lots of fun.

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